Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Some Handy Code

Good Code for A Link

<span style="font: 18px sans-serif; display: block; margin: 100px 0 0 150px;"><a style="color:#06F;" >Some Text</a> (Some more text)</span>


Unknown said...

Hi Sudarshan,
Someone is looking for :

Need a chrome extension that can hide certain DIVS while I browse websites. Can be any website or can be certain website. While extension is enabled I want it to always hide certain DIV's within a page. For example I want div name "content2" to be displayed as none automatically to avoid extra content in this particular DIV that i dont want to see on the website. This extension can perhaps have a input of DIV names that I can input, and that I would like to have.

and ready to pay $10 to $30.

Unknown said...

Hi Sudarshan,
Someone is looking for :

Need a chrome extension that can hide certain DIVS while I browse websites. Can be any website or can be certain website. While extension is enabled I want it to always hide certain DIV's within a page. For example I want div name "content2" to be displayed as none automatically to avoid extra content in this particular DIV that i dont want to see on the website. This extension can perhaps have a input of DIV names that I can input, and that I would like to have.